We know. There are a zillion agents and companies hitting on you each year to change to some new plan (usually when they introduce a new Medicare Advantage (MA) plan.)
You'll get snail-mail (tons of it), robo-calls (that we all hate) and maybe dinner/seminar invites. They are going to spin you a story about how these MA plans cost you nothing and are the "best" deal for you.
It's all about the money... and I'll tell you what the money is when I speak with you... what the carriers get paid from Medicare and what the agents get paid.
If you are new to Medicare, all of this is confusing as hell. Let me make it simple.
There are zero-cost or low cost Medicare Advantage plans. But many of them have limitations. They usually have high deducts and many of them are HMOs with small networks (one that I'll bet your doc is not in it!) Also many of these MA plans restrict you to one hospital in your area... usually not the one you want to go to! However, for some people these plans make sense.
I sell mostly Medicare Supplemental coverage. There are lots of them but I only like Plan F, G, and (sometimes) N.
If you don't know Plan F from Planet Zardo, no problem. It doesn't matter. If you are not constrained by a tight budget which might necessitate a low-cost but high out-of-pocket MA plan, then Plan F or G is what you want... because they are the best... see below.
“I don’t want to tell you how much insurance I have with the company, but all I can say is: when I go, they go too.” - Jack Benny, American comedian
No, I'm not going to bore you to tears with a discussion on Medicare. Most of you have read the excellent government publication Medicare and You that the federal government sends you each year (and which you can get a PDF of by clicking here.)
I (mostly) sell Medicare Supplements (often called Medigap coverage.) There are a bunch of different plans out there but I only like THREE of them.
You can see a nice, simple chart that compares all the plans by clicking here and scrolling about half-way down the page.
The two I like the best are Plan F and Plan G.
Why do I like these? It's because they have the maximum coverage you can get no matter where you live.
Plan F and G cover what Medicare doesn't. No other Medicare Supplemental covers as much as F and G does. Plan G covers all that F does but with a few exceptions, one of them being the Part B deductible. Plan G usually makes sense for most people except those on a tight budget where an HMO (Medicare Advantage) or Plan N supplement is appropriate.)
There are some Medicare Advantage plans (often called MA or MAPD plans) that also cover from "soup to nuts" but MA plans are offered by zip code or county, often are not available in certain areas, and many of them have restrictions on what doctors you can see and what hospitals you can go to.
Plan F is usually the most expensive supplement you can buy... because it has the most comprehensive coverage you can buy, depending on zip code and company. However, most people buy Plan G as they can easily afford the Part B deductible..
Why don't I sell any of the other plans? It is because I don't think they have the value of either an F or G or N. (Most of my clients want the best coverage they can get, no matter what the cost and that is an F or G.)
I'm in my 70s and on Medicare. I have a G.
I will be happy to explain these plans in four-part harmony and full orchestration if you like. Just give me a call.
Currently I mostly write for the two Blues (which in California are two separate companies and have no connection with each other)... Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of California. Why mostly those? Give me a call and I'll be happy to explain.
Currently, I will recommend an F or G or an N. If you want a plan with less coverage... call another agent. I'm not the one you want.
"I have never cared what something costs; I care what it's worth" -- Ari Emanuel, CEO, William Morris Endeavor Agency
“There are a few worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an evening with an insurance salesman?” – Woody Allen, American comedian
I'm Alan Canton the owner of A.N. Canton Insurance Services, and yes, I'm a one-person, one dog, (an Australian Shepherd,) one-cat agency located in Fair Oaks, CA (just east of Sacramento, CA.)
While my main markets are cities and towns in Northern and Central California -1-. I have a fair number of clients throughout the rest of California from referrals.
People have seen other agent sites and they always ask me how come I don't have the usual pictures of the happy family at the park, or the robust seniors on the cruise ship, or the group of grandchildren at the circus?
Why am I showing pill bottles?
I don't have "happy pix" because buying insurance is not a day in the park. Some insurance agents believe that they can manipulate clients with "warm and fuzzy" pictures and then con their victims into buying a plan from a carrier that the agent gets the highest commission on.
Choosing insurance of any kind is serious business and that's how I treat it. No romping Golden Retrievers here!
Unlike others, with me, it's not about the money. Yes, everyone says that, but for me it's true. I already have money... I don't need to sell you something this morning in order to eat tonight... or to pay the Netflix bill (but I do have a very expensive wife!)
I'm not going to "snow" you with a lot of hype and sales bull-%$#@.
With me it's about getting you the right Medicare supplement (and there are only three of them) at the right price. Those are serious issues and I want my customers to understand that having the wrong plans can COST them their future or that of their family. How do you put THAT in a picture? You can't do it with a clown and a happy-face!
There are three, and only three, things you must know about me.
If you give me the opportunity to serve you I will do an excellent job. I will assess your needs, and I will help get you through the application process. That’s the service... it’s what I do.
Yes, you could buy right from a carrier website. But it cost you zero dollars to use me or any agent, so why would you do it alone?
Honestly. I don’t really sell insurance. The carriers do that. I educate you and you decide what you want to do. I sell me. You buy me.
Twenty-four/seven, I’m here.
Need to change your policy? I’m here.
Have an issue with a carrier? I’m here.
Want to call and just chat? I’m here.
Anyone can (and will!) SELL you insurance. I won’t SELL you “a policy.” I will give you the opportunity to BUY what I REALLY sell… peace of mind… knowing that you received the best plan for your money, one that will cover your ass(ets) and which you can keep from year to year.
I will earn your business and referrals to your friends, family, and colleagues.
I’m good at this, I like doing a good service for my clients, and if you choose me, I will be proud to have you as a client… and a friend.
Thank you.
-1- Fair Oaks, Folsom, Gold River, Carmichael, Roseville, Citrus Heights, Rancho Cordova, El Dorado Hills, Loomis, Colfax, Rocklin, and of course Sacramento
Please write me if you have questions.
8041 Sierra Street
Fair Oaks, CA, 95628
Tel: (916) 390-0164
CA License: 0F31110
We do not offer every plan available in your area. Currently, we represent three insurance companies which offer fifteen products. Please contact Medicare.gov, 1-800-MEDICARE, or your local State Health Insurance Program (SHIP) to get information on all of your options.